To all of our friends, family, and community
Today marks the 6 year anniversary of
What a year it has been.
To be honest, in March, when we were forced to shutdown our offices, I wasn’t 100% sure we would still be here. We packed up our belongings, turned off the lights, and surrendered to the tumultuous state of the world. As the months progressed, and we didn’t know what would be next, we did the only thing we knew with certainty; we leaned in and grounded ourselves in community. We centered on our values and the deep desire to forge ahead, and to be helpful in the best way we knew how.
We masked up and transformed our production capabilities into a PPE distribution center, prioritizing Native nations most impacted by Covid-19.
We rallied with our relatives at Illuminatives and Native Organizers Alliance, and helped create a monumental Natives Vote campaign that resulted in a historic Native Voter turnout. The change we helped to create was a collective effort and a true representation of how we are stronger, together.
Now we are closing out the holiday season in gratitude and true celebration because we are still here.
Thank you to our circle, our community. We could not have made it through the year or provided aid to our people without your support and generosity. Thank you for standing by and alongside us. Thank you for investing in us and for believing in our mission. Thank you from the bottom of our heart. Sending love to each and every one of you.
Thank you,
Bethany Yellowtail

B.YELLOWTAIL 2020 (Los Angeles, CA)